Thursday, July 19, 2007

More from days 1 - 5

Steve has told one version of the truth so here's some more;

First as to the third man in the photos - we have worked out what he is but are not sure of his identity that is we can only guess at what his name might be. He is the ultimate SNAG who is sharing the pregnancy with his wife the photo captures him very near the birth and we find him, considerate as ever, letting his wife have first turn in the labour ward while he waits, writhing in agony in the rickshaw outside the hospital. We still don't know who he is but we never want to meet him.

Second as to the tour itself. Every night we say prayers of thanks to St Tracey of Uriarra for the skills and disciplines she has bestowed upon us and every morning we pray to her again that she keep us safe from those who might half-wheel us or suck our wheels for 15 miles and when it is their turn to take the lead, attack and rip our legs off or go to the lead and apply the brakes. So far she has interceded successfully with Velos, the God of Cycling, on our behalf.

Now for a wether report - Steve's temperature is at 99 Celsius he told me that the horses we passed to day had lovely brown eyes. Rob is at a cool 65 degrees but that is just because he is blowing a lot of wind.

The scenery so far is dominated by America's unequal share of the world's water and its consequences - rivers you have never heard of (eg Pend Oreille) that make the mighty Murray look like a garden hose; great long valleys cut into the landscape and such lush vegetation that you can't see more than a few metres into the forest either side of the road.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Hi Steve,
Got your text today.
Hope all is going well. Everyone here is amazed that I have a brother who is so fit that he can undertake this tremendous ride!!!!!! I forgot that they also used the word stupid in there somewhere. Anyhow keep riding it's better than walking.
Love Barb